Keeping the pressure on since his single "Money" dropped in February, Melodownz continues to highlight New Zealand hip-hop. Now he's put his own spin on the the 2001 classic "Scribe 2021" with "Melo 2021."
Recognizing the folks who built the hip-hop scene in New Zealand before him Melodownz is touching on over 20 years of the urban music scene.
"Those who know me, know how much P-Money’s album “Big Things” inspired me as a kid - especially ‘Scribe 2001'," Melodownz stated via Instagram. "I still remember the day my Mum took me into SOUNDS at Lynmall to get my Big Things CD signed by the man himself. That was my introduction to Scribe and the rest of the NZ hip hop scene and I’ve been hooked ever since. 9 year old Melo would be proud of this lil drop right here. This is my Ode to the OG’z P-Money and Scribe. I dedicate this to the whole NZ hip hop community past, present and yet to come. Here’s to 20 years. SCRIBE 2001 - MELO 2021. I hope y’all don’t mind haha."
You can peep the track on his IGTV below: